Demon Sculpt 1
"If Greed Has A Face"
Bandung, 2022

Description: Being greedy means you want more and more of something, especially money, power, or social status. But you can be greedy for just about anything, including food, drink, exposure or fame.

People who are greedy are a little too interested in having something. Usually, that something is money. People who keep trying to get more and more money are often accused by being greedy. A gluttonous person is greedy for food. If you're obsessed with something and can't get enough of it, you're greedy for it. This is a word for extreme, grasping, devouring behavior.

And if greed has a face, could be like this avatar.

Code DA-0006

Medium: Digital files.
Size: 3200x3200px 300dpi

Category/ Label: Avatar, Digital Art